Specialties &
Chiropractic Services including adjustments, OMT, and targeted issues.
The price points for Botox along with target areas.
Invisared light weight loss options and packages
Scheduling corrective therapies with packages and resources
B-12 shots, infusions, and energy options.
Medicinal options to restore health and mobility.
Acupuncture services including needling, cupping, and targeted areas.
Needle-free allergy testing for dander and pollens.
Cold therapy options for various issues and packages
Gym access and options for patients health and welfare.
Policy and procedures when dealing with minors and young children
Services offered to help manage pain and increase wellness.
Manual therapies targeting specific areas and different specialties
PI department coverages and how to handle a PI patient
PT department patients, referrals, and services
Prenatal and postnatal policies and procedures
Durable Medical Equipment offering and procedure
Taping in order to improve flow and mobility

A Bit About Me

Chiropractic is a form of alternative medicine concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, especially of the spine.
Chiropractors treat many conditions affecting the nervous system and musculoskeletal system. Chiropractic care can help with low back pain, headache, neck pain, muscle pains and other joints of the body.
What to Expect with a Visit
Patient who are getting chiropractic services can expect to be seen by either our chiropractors or Nurse Practitioners based off their insurance and preferences. During their visit, they will be examined and determined the best path of care for them. If they have specific areas that hurt, our chiropractors can focus on treating that area, otherwise patients who come in for general chiropractic can expect adjustments in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar regions. During the visit, patients might have a massage gun, activator, and moving drop chiropractic table used to treat them. Patients can request for these services, and providers will determine the best method to adjust them using some or all of these tools. After a visit, the provider will suggest a visit routine for the patient in order to treat that area as many times as possible to retrain the muscles to keep that area aligned properly.
How to Schedule
New Patients
Existing Patients
When scheduling new patients, appointments will be 30 minutes long under the NEW type. Always have a block next to the visit, reference the training videos and staff page to learn more about block times. When scheduling a new NP patients for chiropractic care, also schedule them under NEW type for 30 minutes under the NP column. Also be sure to use a block.
When scheduling existing patients, schedule for 15 minutes. If a certain doctor is requested, place the appointment under the DOCTORS NAME for the type, otherwise leave the type BLANK. There does not need to be any blocks.
For prenatal, reference the staff page to see which providers will work on children at different ages. When scheduling prenatal, check with providers will work on prenatal and ALWAYS use the PRENATAL type when scheduling, even if they are new patients. Schedule for 30 minutes if they are new, and 15 if they are existing. Make sure in the appointment line you put how many weeks along they are at that time of visit.
Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body. A key component of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain. Increasingly, it is being used for overall wellness, including stress management.
Chiropractors treat many conditions affecting the nervous system and musculoskeletal system. Chiropractic care can help with musculoskeletal injury, mood disorders, energy, and female and fertility issues.
What to Expect with a Visit
Patients who come in to see our acupuncturists can expect to have their specific concerned addressed within the first few visits and begin their path of care to heal or lessen their issue. Because acupuncture can treat a wide variety of issues, patients can expect to visit with the acupuncturist where their path of care will be determined and their treatment specialized to them. For needle work, the acupuncturist will inset specialized and sanitized needled into the patient in order to hit certain points and flows in the body to increase blood flow to certain areas. The patients will be asked to stay still for several minuets in a comfortable environment until the blood flow is complete. For cupping, the patient will have suction cups placed around the area of concern to increase blood circulation and remove old stored blood from that area. The patient can expect bruising caused from the removal of the old blood around the areas where they have been cupped.
How to Schedule
New Patients
Existing Patients
When scheduling new patients, appointments will be 60 minutes long under the NEW type. Always have a 30 minute block next to the visit starting at the same time as the appointment. When scheduling a new patient or existing patient, stagger the appointment times so that the beginning of one is at least 30 minutes apart from another.
When scheduling existing patients, scheduling is determined upon the method of payment for the patient. If the patient is using insurance, schedule them for 60 minutes. If they are a cash patient or are not using insurance, schedule them for 30 minutes. There does not need to be a block, but keep the same staggering rules of keeping appointment beginnings separate by 30 minutes.

A Bit About Me

Massage is the manipulation of the body's soft tissues. Massage techniques are commonly applied with hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearms, feet, or a device. The purpose of massage is generally for the treatment of body stress or pain.
Massage can reduce pain and anxiety for people with chronic illnesses, such as cancer, and reduce the physiological burden of stress. It can help treat conditions including stress-related tension, cancer-related fatigue, sleep disorders, high blood pressure, diabetes, low back pain and depression, just to name a few.
Massage Therapy
What to Expect with a Visit
Patient who are getting massage therapy can expect a pleasant and relaxing environment where they are in the hands of our trained massage therapists. Patients will be asked to dress down to how they are comfortable, whether that is all clothing off or all clothing on. Patients undress time is included in their overall massage time. They will be invited on a warming massage bed where they will have fresh linen to lay on while our therapists work either overall or target areas of concern. Patients can have this service covered by their insurance, or if they prefer longer times or do not have coverage massage times are generally $1 per minute (excluding higher cost of living areas, such as Georgetown, where the rate is very slightly higher, refer to Georgetown's massage pricing sheet in office)
How to Schedule
New Patients
Existing Patients
When scheduling a new patient that is getting a massage, you will use the NEW type. Their time is determined on their New Patient Special, insurance, or out-of-pocket payment. Ask the customer their preferred times and let them know different options offered to them. We do not schedule massage times under 30 minutes.
When scheduling existing patients, schedule for their requested time or per their insurance coverage if the are using insurance during their visit. The type will be the THERAPISTS name, and if they have any special areas or requests place that in the appointment line.
For youth, generally we do not offer massage to anyone under 12 years of age. If the patient is a minor, they MUST have a parental guardian in the room during the whole length of the massage. Only certain therapists will work on youth, reference the staff page to learn which therapists cover children and youth. Also use this page to find which therapists are trained and/or licensed to work on prenatal patients. Prenatal patients will ALWAYS go under the PRENATAL type, and put in the appointment line how many weeks along they will be when they will be getting their massage. We DO NOT work on any pregnant person in their first trimester.

A Bit About Me

Botulinum toxin, often shortened to Botox, is a neurotoxic protein produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum and related species. It prevents the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine from axon endings at the neuromuscular junction, thus causing flaccid paralysis.
​Botox injections are noted primarily for the ability to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles. They're also used to treat conditions such as neck spasms (cervical dystonia), excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), an overactive bladder and lazy eye. Botox injections may also help prevent chronic migraines.
What to Expect with a Visit
With your first visit you will meet with the Nurse Practitioner for a consult. If the NP approved the procedure, then there are two main areas he can target. The areas that are treated with Botox are forehead wrinkle lines and/or Nasolabial folds (the lines around your nose that curve down around your mouth) The first visit will include 20 initial units of Botox. The NP will determine after the procedure if more filler is needed and will also help schedule you for a "touch up" appointment a few weeks out to see how the Botox is doing and adding units if needed. Botox will always be a "cash" service, as it is considered cosmetic and will not be covered by insurance.
How to Schedule
New Patients
Existing Patients
When scheduling new patients, appointments will be 15 - 30 minutes long under the NP's NAME type. Always have a block next to the visit, reference the training videos and staff page to learn more about block times. Botox will always be scheduled using the NP account under the Nurse Practitioner.
When scheduling existing patients, schedule for 15 minutes. Keep the appointment scheduled with the NP along with a 15 minute block next to it. The type will still be under the NP's name who is administering the Botox.
Due to Botox being a cosmetic procedure rather than a medicinal one, patients cannot be pregnant or under the age of a legal adult to have Botox administered.

A Bit About Me

Allergy Testing
No needles are used to test for allergens, such as grasses, trees, weeds, mold, and dust mites. After applying a drop of allergen to a plastic applicator, we brush the applicator tip on your skin – usually your back. Most patients say the procedure either tickles or they don't feel anything.
Information from allergy tests may help your doctor develop an allergy treatment plan that includes allergen avoidance, medications or allergy shots. Allergy skin tests are widely used to help diagnose allergic conditions, including: Hay fever (allergic rhinitis) Allergic asthma
What to Expect with a Visit
A patient who is getting allergy testing done can expect to meet with our Nurse Practitioner. During this visit, they will have an area of skin, usually on the arm, cleaned off for testing. The allergy test is needle free and only involves a slight pressure during administration. Our allergy testing will only cover outside allergens, such as pollen, particles, animal dander, and dust. It will not test for food allergies. After the test, the NP, if needed, will offer the patient Allergen Shots to help with any test that came back with a positive reaction. The patient can meet with the NP when they need a refill for their shots.
How to Schedule
New Patients
Existing Patients
When scheduling new patients, schedule for 15 minutes under the NP's NAME for the type. Add a 15 minute block next to this appointment if they are new.
When scheduling for existing patients, schedule them for 15 minutes. No additional block is needed for a refill visit. In the appointment line, please add "allergy shot refill."
No patients under the age of 10 can have allergy testing done. Please have prenatal check with their doctor and with the NP before scheduling them.

A Bit About Me

If you've ever suffered a neck or back injury because of someone else's negligence, you have what is legally called a “personal injury.” If you have a personal injury attorney, they could recommend that you see a chiropractor.
Through therapies such as manual manipulation of the spine, the Graston Technique or Active Release Technique for breaking up scar tissue, Kinesio Taping, and several other treatment methods, our chiropractors can help increase mobility, reduce pain, and prevent further injury.
Personal Injury
What to Expect with a Visit
Our patients who are having their visits handled through insurance or a law firm will be directed to out PI team. Our PI team will be able to best determine what treatment they qualify for and will best help treat the issues that the patient has. These patients can qualify for many treatments, including adjustments, trigger point, acupuncture, dry needling, corrective therapies, and physical therapies. Manual therapy (massage) is not usually paid for through a personal injury case, but on some occasions 1 to 2 massages are granted. In all cases, when dealing with a personal injury patient, refer their scheduling, questions, and concerns direct to a member of the PI department.
How to Schedule
New Patients
Existing Patients
Please do not schedule new PI patients. If a patient mentions a recent accident over the phone, please ask if they are handling the injury through insurance or a lawyer. If they are, please transfer them directly to the PI department.
The PI department will usually handle scheduling patients visits. If a PI patient calls and wants to reschedule, we can handle that in office. however, if you see the patient has recently missed more than 2 visits, please transfer them to the PI department.
This is determined by our PI department.

Invisa-RED uses advanced laser technology to target areas of unwanted fat. It's the only clinically proven weight loss device that effectively reduces fat and inches off your body. The treatment works by stimulating cellular respiration, improving lymphatic function, and increasing your metabolism.
During clinical trials, patients saw an average of four and a half pounds of fat loss over the course of nine short treatments without the assistance of diet or exercise..
Invisa-Red Therapy
What to Expect with a Visit
The first session of an Invisared treatment is complimentary. This is called their "demo," The Invisared machine is located at the Anytime Fitness next to the Temple clinic. For their demo, the patient can expect a 15-30 minute experience. They will be asked to fill out a form, and brought into a room with a bed. After laying on the bed, they will have the panels placed on the areas of concern (areas they are wanting reduced fat). The panels will head up as the invisared light goes through them. The first time will be set to a lighter level of heat and for a smaller amount of time so that the patient can be tested to see their reaction to the light to prevent any burns or discomfort.
How to Schedule
New Patients
Existing Patients
All new patients should be referred to the manager or employee at the Anytime Fitness in Temple. While we do have access to the schedule, it is more ideal for the employees who work directly with the machine to be able to schedule these patients.
These patients will be handled through the employees who work with the Invisared patients.
No one under the age of 18 can receive Invisared, and pregnant woman are asked to refrain from using the machine until after giving birth.

A Bit About Me

A cryotherapy chamber is essentially a chamber, large enough for one person, which is capable of lowering the temperature inside to below -110 degrees C, thanks to the use of liquid nitrogen. Liquid nitrogen has a very low freezing point (-210 degrees C) compared to water (0 degrees C).
Cold therapy is also known as cryotherapy. It works by reducing blood flow to a particular area, which can significantly reduce inflammation and swelling that causes pain, especially around a joint or a tendon. It can temporarily reduce nerve activity, which can also relieve pain.
What to Expect with a Visit
Patients who are receiving cryotherapy must be completely free of any damp items or moisture/oils on the skin. Patients must refrain from using oils prior to the visit, remove all jewelry and refrain from wearing under ware with any wire, they cannot have any open wounds or fresh tattoos, and cannot have damp hair or any damp areas on their body. They are asked to drink a bottle of water before their visit and drink a bottle of water after their visit. Their first time, they will be asked to undress to their under ware and step inside the cryo chamber. Their first time will only be for 2 minutes, at degrees around -100 Fahrenheit. The cryotherapy chamber is located at the Anytime Fitness next to the Temple clinic.
How to Schedule
New Patients
Existing Patients
Due to the nature and intensity of cryotherapy, please refer all patients to the gym manager.
Patients must be consenting adults of at least 18 years of age, and cannot be expecting.

A Bit About Me

Physical therapy, also known as physiotherapy, is one of the allied health professions. It is provided by physical therapists who promote, maintain, or restore health through physical examination, diagnosis, prognosis, patient education, physical intervention, rehabilitation, disease prevention, and health promotion.
​hysical therapy is a non-invasive discipline that helps individuals develop, maintain and restore maximum body movement and physical function. Physical therapy can help clients recover from an injury, relieve pain, prevent future injury or deal with a chronic condition. It can be applied at any age or stage of life.
Physical Therapy
What to Expect with a Visit
How to Schedule
New Patients
Existing Patients

A Bit About Me

Corrective Exercises
Corrective Exercise is a technique that leverages an understanding of anatomy, kinesiology, and biomechanics to address and fix movement compensations and imbalances to improve the overall quality of movement during workouts and in everyday life.
Corrective Exercise is used to help assess and determine the root cause of imbalances and faulty movement patterns that lead to issues with posture, balance, and total body coordination.
What to Expect with a Visit
Corrective therapy is a great way to improve mobility even after the visit to the clinic. With a visit, the Corrective Therapist will help address areas of concern or pain you may have. After finding which areas to work on, the CT will help assist you by stretching those areas the loosen the muscle and relieve pain. These sessions can last anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes. After the visit, the CT will give the patient a list of stretches they can do at home and work to help them keep their area of concern loose. If the patient commits to incorporating these stretches into their daily routine, they will see significant improvement in those areas and can enjoy the relief throughout their every day activities.
How to Schedule
New Patients
Existing Patients
New patients will be scheduled for 30 minutes. There does not need to be any blocks. Please place their visit under the CHIRO EX type.
Existing patients can be scheduled for either 30 or 15 minutes depending. If they have a payment plan, this might outline different CT times they have prepaid for, or if they are using insurance on a visit by visit bases, they will always qualify for 30 minutes. If patients do not have a significant amount of time, they can also ask to only be scheduled for 15 minutes. Check their previous visits so see what they prefer as well.