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Anthony Medical & Chiropractic believes it is important to find the best benefit options available to provide great coverage without becoming a monthly financial burden to our employees who are trying to care for their healthcare needs.


That is why we are excited Planstin is in partnership with Zion Health. Zion Health provides an amazing HealthShare plan that is available to you thru Planstin. 


What does this mean for you? It means tremendous cost savings. It means members only pay the Initial Unsharable Amount (IUA) and the rest is shared 100% with the Zion Health community without annual or lifetime limits. That's right! No more annual deductibles to meet.


Members have the choice of $1,000, $2,500 or $5,000 IUA options. Once this IUA is met for your specific care need, the power of the HealthShare plan goes to work!


Below is a link to all the services and pricing for the different plans. Please note that by going through Anthony Medical and Chiropractic for Planstin insurance it will discount your plan as well. Discounts vary on the plan option that you choose. Please reach out to your supervisor to find exact pricing plans. 

"After I recovered from the initial sticker shock of my last health insurance renewal, I started to shop around.


I was referred to Planstin by a friend and loved the concept.  I now save thousands a year! 


I have been impressed with the team at Planstin as well!"

What Are Employees Saying About Planstin?

"I have to say, I am extremely impressed with Planstin’s turn around with claims as well as their customer service.


I really feel like I am getting a lot for my monthly premium.


Thank you so much for answering my questions and being so thorough.


I’ll recommend you to anyone I know. Thank you again, so much."

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